These wonderful photos and post cards were only $5.00.
Chest pieces are in fantastic condition. As your can see the bag they came in is pretty bang up-but love it even more for that reason. The chest pieces are going to be fun coming up with something to do with them. They were $15.00 so less then a $1.00 a piece.
Keys- the tin was pretty full and they were $10.00-a little costly but can be used for so many art projects.
Hinges came in a suit case which was $10.00 for both. So many different kind of hinges-so many to choose from.
As you can see the suit case is very dirty-but I am going to scrub it and remove the lining. Then I will paint it and add images. For the inside I think I will line with fabric-so many choices to make.
I love treasure hunting and the winter is the best time in Florida. I hope in a couple of weeks to hit the Daytona Flea Market. I hope it is as much fun as this one-just to many choices to make.